Swati Anjana Toppo

Co-ordinator, IQAC
It’s my proud privilege to pen down the message for our college Souvenir
“UDAYAN”, 2024. Martin Luther once said, “If you want to change the world, pick up your
pen and write.” Therefore, I am happy to be a part of this and witness an array of talents of
the students and staff of Uday Memorial B. Ed. College. I identify with the emotion that each
page portrays and look upon the magazine as an entity in itself. Education is the one that can
remove the darkness and help to build a complete man who can face the different challenges
well and lead the society in a proper manner. In the present era of knowledge, driven society,
knowledge is generalised and disseminated very quickly.
So, the teachers really need to correlate the knowledge with prevailing environment in
a variety of attractive ways for effective learning with use of digital technological aids.
Education should awaken the true and depth potential of students to blossom creativity for
sustainable growth of students as well as for the growth of society. “UDAYAN” has the
glimpses of the achievements, history and journey of our college.
Best wishes…..!!!!!