Rajesh Kumar Kandrwar

It is a matter of great pleasure that IQAC, Uday Memorial B. Ed. College, Kedal, Ranchi, Affiliated to Ranchi University, Jharkhand is going to Organize A Two Day International Seminar On “Digital Technology in Education for Sustainable Development” On on 27th and 28th April, 2024. Sustainable teaching and learning refer to practices in which teachers equip students with the skills and strategies for engaging in lifelong learning that is not defined to the walls of classroom or dependent on a knowledgeable sage. Through this international seminar on digital technology in education for sustainable development teachers promote the sustainable learning practices for the effective 21st century classroom. Students should realize that these technologies provide affordances for independent and autonomous learning practices that were not available to previous generation and have gained an understanding of how to use them. Topic and sub-topics are really relevance according to the contemporary scenario and enhance the progress of the society and the nation. I am extremely happy to wish the International seminar.