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Dr. C. K. Pankaj

Uday Memorial B. Ed. College, Kedal, Ranchi is organizing a two days International Seminar on “Digital Technology in Education for Sustainable Development” on 27th and 28th April 2024. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, speakers and guests, welcome them to our humble abode and wish them a brilliant session and quality insight.
“A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.” This statement of great thinker Kahlil Gibran is worth note taking for all at this point of time. Knowledge and application of the knowledge should go hand in hand. But somewhere in the bottom line of the modern education system, knowledge is resulting into a pile of passive information that has very less to do with the active and contributory life of a learner. This has caused the rise of contrasting visions among the academicians all around the world, each with unique insights for the correct system of education.
It’s high time for a serious deliberation on the issue of the sustainable development in
a common forum to come to a mutually agreed solution to bring about development sustainably. This International Seminar on “Digital Technology in Education for Sustainable development” is being organized to provide such a forum to thinkers around the world.
I hope the seminar will serve the projected purpose and bring forth novel approaches that may fortify the Sustainable development
Best wishes…..!!!!!


Dear Patron and Delegates,
It is very heartening to note that Uday Memorial B.Ed. College, aconstituent college of Ranchi University, Jharkhand State is organising a two day International Seminar on “Digital Technology in Education for Sustainable Development” in their campus from 27- 28th April 2024. The seminar expects attendance from international as well as national in both offline and online mode. The conference centered on very important and timely topic as Digital Technology since global pandemic of COVID-19 has opened a new medium for learning and educating the citizens of the world in 21st century. The awaited technology change has made the teaching learning tool more innovative and interactive. The potential for upcoming reform in learning multiple subjects, generating and sharing study materials is immense. The NEP, 2020 opens more options for the student’s right from the primary education to Secondary and higher education. The advantage of our early lead in the remote /distance education (TV), Massive Online Courses (MOOC) and growth of EdTech companies have resulted in right approaches for national and international collaborations. The multi-lingual capacity of the digital materials through the growth of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning would be the future of content creation more innovative and transformative. This is matter of great pride for all of us to be associated with the discussion on the digital technology in education undertaken by B.Ed.College. Both international and national expert’s discussion would benefit the educators and learners.I am sure the experts and scholars attending the seminar will deliberate on the important themes and suggest the roadmap to focus on the thrust areas. The event would provide ideal environment and space of idea exchanges and future collaborations. I extend my heartiest greetings and felicitations to the organizers and the participants and wish the seminar a grand success.

Dr Manoj Kumar

It is a matter of great pleasure that IQAC, Uday Memorial B.Ed. College, Kedal, Ranchi, Affiliated to Ranchi University Ranchi, Jharkhand is going to organise Two Days International Seminar on “Digital Technology in Education for Sustainable Development.” On 27th & 28th April 2024. One of the fundamental components of the sustainable development 2030 agenda is quality education. It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all. Digital technologies have emerged as an essential tool to achieve this goal. Digital technologies strive to decrease or eliminate pollution and waste while increasing production and efficiency. These technologies have shown a powerful impact on the education system. The recent COVID-19 Pandemic has further institutionalised the applications of digital technologies in education. These digital technologies have made a paradigm shift in the entire education system. It is not only a knowledge provider but also a co-creator of information, a mentor, and an assessor. Technological improvements in education have made life easier for students. Instead of using pen and paper, students nowadays use various software and tools to create presentations and projects. The theme chosen for the seminar is of great significance and contemporary relevance. I hope that the attending intellectuals should deliberate on the need of the hour in emerging areas and chalk out the road map for future plan of action. I am extremely happy to wish the International Seminar a great success.

Saryug Yadav

Professor of English | DEL, NCERT, New Delhi

It gives me immense pleasure to know that Uday Memorial B.Ed. College, Ranchi is
organising A Two-Day International Seminar on Digital Technology in Education for
Sustainable Development from 27 -28April 2024. It is both a privilege and opportunity for
the faculty and students of the college to have such a trailblazing international seminar on this
emerging issue intimately related to our education as envisaged in National Education Policy
Education system has always been related to a formal organization working on chalk and talk
method, but with the changing time and methods of teaching, a whole paradigm shift is
witnessed over the years. The constant development in technology has dramatically
transformed the pedagogy during the past decades and evolved computing power in every
aspect of our educational life leading towards technology mediated education system.
The National Education Policy 2020 recognizes the importance of leveraging the advantages
of technology while acknowledging its potential risks and dangers. It calls for carefully
designed and appropriately scaled pilot studies to determine how the benefits of online/
digital education can be reaped while addressing or mitigating the shortcomings. In the
meantime, digital platforms and on-going ICT-based educational initiatives should be
optimized and expanded to meet the current and future challenges in providing quality
education for all.
The present International Seminar organized in association with IQAC of the college is a
solemn attempt to provide a common academic platform for the academia representing
various apex educational institutions of the country and abroad for sharing their ideas,
researches, experiments, best practices and innovations and to debate, deliberate, and discuss
these relevant issues envisioned in NEP 2020 and help them come out with some tangible
insights to implement digital technology in education for sustainable development.
I am quite sure that the deliberations made during the seminar will redefine the strategies to
ascertain current issues, concerns and challenges pertaining to digital technology in education
meaningfully, and the knowledge generated thereof may be collated for the betterment of
future policies and practices in the country. I anticipate that the college will execute this
academic event as planned to meet its objectives in true spirit under the able guidance of
Prof. Ajit Kumar Sinha, honorable Vice Chancellor, Ranchi University, Ranchi, and dynamic
leadership of Dr. Chandan Kumar Pankaj, Principal and convener of the Seminar and his
team members of the organising committee.
With all notes of hopes and aspirations, I congratulate to the convener, coordinator,
organising secretaries, and all the members of the organising committee, and wish a grand
success for this International Seminar.